During the months of April and May, and within the coordination activity of the Interreg-MAC project “Mitigation of climate change through innovation in the water cycle by means of low carbon technology – MITIMAC”, different virtual meetings have been held with beneficiary entities of the ERDF fund (AREAM – Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região and Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais de Madeira; Fundaçao Gaspar Frutuoso, Universidades dos Açores and Secretaria Regional de Energia, Meio Ambiente e Turismo – SREAT of Azores) as well as with partners from third countries (Université Gaston Berger du Sénégal of Senegal and University of Cape Verde, Cape Verde). These meetings have mainly focused on the planning of the next activities for the second semester of this year as well as for the first semester of next year.
El día 13 de diciembre se celebró el Meeting del cierre del proyecto MITIMAC, liderado por la ULPGC, proyecto de investigación para la mitigación del